To help you find the desired apartment, use our search engine. Select a region and place, enter the dates of arrival and departure and the number of people and you'll be able to see the offer of accommodation according to the criteria.
Large number of original photos of accommodation units and their detailed descriptions will help you to find the right accommodation according to your taste.
The more criteria you select the better will the results suit your needs. If the apartment is free for the required period, with a description you will also get the price and booking ability.
If the apartment is not free or is closed in the required time period, only a description will be shown without the possibility of booking.
All prices listed in the reservation are final and guaranteed. Additional services that are not included in the price, it is necessary to agree on the destination and are not displayed in the reservation.
If one of the following options is offered and used by you, it must be paid for on the holiday and is not included in the price, e.g. garage, heating, mobile air conditioning, use of washing machine, boat moorage, etc.
All amounts are shown in Euro. The remaining amount of needs to be paid in cash upon arrival at your destination. The amount of the reservation must be paid within two days from the date of the booking confirmation.
To book an object you must first send a request. On the basis of this inquiry, we will once again check the availability of the facility and respond as soon as possible via email. If the object is free for the required period, you will receive by email all the necessary information to make the reservation payment.
Reservations can be paid by bank transfer.
Booking confirmation you have to print and bring with you to the destination because it must be shown to a agency.
In addition you will receive email message which is confirmation of payment from Sol-Tours, which is confirmation that we received your payment.
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If you have any question regarding accommodation object or booking, do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish you pleasant stay and nice holidays.