Vrbnik - Tourist destination info
You have to experience Vrbnik. it is hard for any description to conjure up the architecture of the tiny, winding streets of this celebrated town. The people of Vrbnik settled on a 48 m high rock, and over the centuries built every pathway, staircase or house to fit together in the harmonious whole of today's Vrbnik. Imaginative architectural forms and the peace that rules here make this an ideal place for lovers of canvas and paintbrush, who will have no problem finding inspiration here. If you have this kind of tendency - here is just the right place for a holiday or outing. (...)
An area famous for vineyards in Vrbničko polje, which one passes through on the way in to the town. Where are the vineyardsthere is also the wine(...). And what wine! It is called Vrbnička žlahtina and thanks to a few local producers it is well known in Croatia(...)